Sunday, April 03, 2005


Noisy Affair…

White Noise – similar to the white light (all colors add up to make white) – all the frequencies of sound (noise) make up to the white ‘noise’!

Last night I saw white noise (cast: Rahul Bose & Koel Purie). A movie hitting hard on the basic philosophy of life… what are we up to… why are we doing whatever we are doing… why do we get into a relationship which has no sound base or truthfulness …

What made me think aloud was the fact that most of us and our future or our life is governed from the past… which does nothing but haunts back and prove to become speed breakers in our path of growth … the result is nothing but waste of time on cribbing and remembering past … during these moments of life we forget to move ahead and follow our heart and dreams… we lose our solace and peace…

Ever noticed that we find very peaceful when we go to a hill station … far from noise… just because we need to give peace to the piece of our mind… we feel peace because the crusts and troughs of the various frequencies of noise around us and within us are in sync!

Basic funda of life: to get ahead… we need to move forward…

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