Wednesday, April 27, 2005


R U "Miserable Bugger Around"!

I happened to speak to one of the vertical heads of an IT company and was surprised to see his ignorance about the business environment... him being in telecom domain, asked me what's the latest disruptinve technology in the field... I was not sure of what he was referring to so told him the embedded media in the field of telecom... His reply stunned me ... it's VoIP... a technology which came into existence half a decade ago (ancient in terms of technology time frame)... and he thinks it is the latest technology breakthrough.... More so.. he reffered to it as singnificant business impacting trends rather than technology per say... Also ... he had no understanding of difference between a technology and a concept... he kept referring CRM/BI as technologies/tools and RFID/VoIP as conceptual business breakthroughs...
I really feel sometimes what are these managers upto... do they have any idea what they are talking about and where is the potential business lying! I really wonder why did I do MBA... I was at the same level as theirs when I was simply an engineer and I think these managers (non-MBAs) can't understand MBAs....
Conclusion: U need to be an MBA to understand an MBA!

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