Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Hey Ram…

Funnily enuf … since weekend media has been shouting on a new ‘crisis’ … did Bapu say ‘Hey Ram’ when he was shot! ...

Interesting? huh!! I guess not … not to me at least…

Seems like media and some other supporting/non-supporting folks who are actively participating in the dialog have nothing better to discuss about… and of-course … they can do nothing constructive…

Focus… the top of my mind few things that media should give more attention to is...

Infrastructure – roads (what happened to the golden quad?!) city roads… almost all the cities are crying hard… Airports … (airstrips and port facilities)… Railways…. Mass transit systems (Metros)…

PSUs… rather than selling off the units… have partial pvt stakes… which will lead to more answerable people and process… promote the PSUs to participate in international market… competition will not only give an opportunity to improve but also new orders will result in better utilization…

Food… India would be the only country (my guess…) where people die of starvation (with floods and drought striking at the same time) and the FCI distributes food to other countries… moreover… millions of tons of food is wasted in the stores…

Energy… commercialization of Solar based equipment and promoting rainwater harvesting would do a lot of good… bio-gas in the village areas … would do a lot to provide continuous power… having PPP (public pvt partnership) would lead to much more efficient system

Reducing bureaucracy – use technology to greater extent… make things on-line/internet based processes… including complaints… and have automated escalation system with performance indicators…

Electoral system – make/change some ground rules… candidates upper age limit… education qualification … family background (like people with more than 2 children won’t be allowed to take part in election)…

Legislation – legal system – again change some ground rules… faster resolution of the cases … upper time limits… restriction on bailed candidates…

Police – increase the strength … (recruit)… training… facilities… answerability… performance measures… have a STF separate… (ppl like Daya Nayak are needed, and not accused of stupid reasons… ) – have severe punishments on breaking law…

Govt Jobs… have firing policy also… with performance indicators… and having appraisals – not just with immediate boss … (otherwise it’ll be I scratch ur back & u scratch mine)…

Education System – emphasis on primary education (just not literacy)… focus on learning… have a teachers’ training system … facilitate the teachers so that they add some value… (today most of teachers are the corporate failures…)

Media Regulatory Body – I think this is the necessity of the time… with media doing what they wish in the name of freedom of speech is not good for the society as a whole… showing half/ modified truth is no less than a false statement…

The list goes on… if media really want to make a difference… they need to come out from the commercial arena to professional galore…
Hey Ram!!!

The list is still not exaustive..
And as i said in Nikhils blog..
We need to first aim at removing the 10 letter word->CORRUPTION
very true... completely agree with you... (that's why i said... list goes on)...

but CORRUPTION is not a thing that can be uprooted... today it's a system... and millions of people are stuck to it... so to attack corruption, we need a different war strategy... rather than killing enemy... suffocate it... cut down the entry exit points... cut the resources... and it'll die!
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